Diabetes & Metabolic Syndrome

The term metabolic syndrome refers to groups of risk factors that include abdominal obesity, high cholesterol, and high blood pressure and raised fasting plasma glucose. This syndrome is a major public health challenge as it is associated with five fold elevated risk of type 2 diabetes and two fold elevated risk of heart disease.

The underlying cause of the metabolic syndrome continues to challenge the experts but both insulin resistance and central obesity are considered significant factors. Genetics, physical inactivity, ageing, a pro-inflammatory Diabetes can be successfully managed by good self-care activities such as diet, exercise, monitoring and drug adherence.

However, weight reduction is associated with significant improvements in factors like blood glucose, lipid profile, and blood pressure and even a moderate weight loss (7% reduction) in 4 weeks can improve the metabolic profile, despite the persistence of a high body mass index (BMI).

TheIDF(International diabetes federation) recommends that primary management for the metabolic syndrome is a healthy lifestyle. This includes:

  • Moderate calorie restriction (to achieve a 5–10 per cent loss of body weight in the first year)
  • Moderate increase in physical activity
  • Change in dietary composition

With a customized diet plan and identifying specific risk factors, metabolic syndrome can be easily reversed. The association of food sensitivities is emerging as a powerful and promising risk factor.

If you or someone you know needs help with elevated insulin, blood sugars, cholesterol , obesity, belly fat reach-out to us on +91-9910233614

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